Attend trade shows and industry events that are important to
your customers. You'll find out what the competition is doing and what kinds of
products and services customers are looking for.
Nurture a human bond, as well as a business one, with
customers and prospects. Take them out to lunch, dinner, a ballgame or the
opera. In a relaxed social atmosphere, you'll learn the secrets that will allow
you to go above and beyond your competition.
Stay abreast of trends; then respond to them. Read industry
trade publications, be active in trade organizations, and pay attention to what
your customers are doing.
Ask for feedback. Survey your customers regularly to find
out how you're doing. Send postage-paid questionnaire cards or letters, call
them on the phone, or set up focus groups. Ask for suggestions and then fix the
trouble areas revealed.
Whatever you do, don't rest on your laurels. Regularly
evaluate your product or service to be sure it's still priced, packaged and
delivered correctly.
When you're a start-up with few employees and few customers,
it's easy to stay on top of what customers want and what they're getting. But
as you add more customers and employees, you add links to the customer service
chain. That creates the potential for growth--and the potential for poor
service along the way. That's why creating a customer service policy and
adhering to it is so important. Here are some steps you can take to ensure that
your clients receive excellent service every step of the way.
Put your customer service policy in writing. These
principles should come from you, but every employee should know what the rules
are and be ready to live up to them. It doesn't have to be elaborate. Something
as simple as "The customer is always right" can lay the necessary
groundwork, although you may want to get more detailed by saying, for instance,
"Any employee is empowered to grant a 10-percent discount to any
dissatisfied customer at any time."
Establish support systems that give employees clear
instructions for gaining and maintaining service superiority. These systems
will help you out service any competitor by giving more to customers and
anticipating problems before they arise.
Develop a measurement of superb customer service. Don't
forget to reward employees who practice it consistently.
Be certain that your passion for customer service runs
rampant throughout your company. Employees should see how good service relates
to your profits and to their futures with the company. Be genuinely committed
to providing more customer service excellence than anyone else in your
industry. This commitment must be so powerful that every one of your customers
can sense it.
Share information with people on the front lines. Meet with
your employees regularly to talk about improving service. Solicit ideas from
employees--they're the ones who are dealing with customers most often.
Act on the knowledge that what customer’s value most are
attention, dependability, promptness and competence. They love being treated as
individuals and being referred to by name.
Good customer service is made, not born. Most companies find that
employees require training to provide good customer service. Some of the areas
in which employees often get help from customer service training include:
Stress management. It's not easy to be the interface between
an angry customer and a balky accounting department. Training on how to manage
and relieve stress will help customer service representatives keep their cool
under pressure.
Empathy. Often, good customer service consists of little
more than putting yourself in the other person's shoes. However, this isn't
always easy. Training employees on how to look at a problem from the customer's
viewpoint goes a long way toward helping improve customer service.
Conflict resolution. Many times, customer service
representatives spend their time resolving conflicts such as those between a
customer's demands and a company's policies. Training on identifying issues,
finding compromises and presenting alternatives can help.
Listening. Often, the only thing a customer wants is to feel
understood. Learning how to listen effectively is not a widely held skill.
However, it can be taught, and listening training is a common feature of many
customer service courses.
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