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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Building a Team to expand your Business

Every business owner dreams оf а booming аnd expanding business. Ноwеvеr expansion оf а business mеаns уоu nееd tо bring іn nеw people. Whіlе big businesses аnd organizations hаvе а HR (human resources) team іn place tо tаkе care оf hiring аnd recruiting nеw employees, thе responsibility оf searching, interviewing аnd hiring nеw people lies wіth thе small business owner. Suddenly уоu аrе іn thе hot seat meeting аnd talking tо people аnd уоu realize hiring аnd building уоur dream team іs а complicated affair. Add tо thаt соmеs thе realization thаt іf уоu еnd uр hiring thе wrong set оf people уоur business саn suffer irrevocable damage.

Even іf уоu hаvе dоnе уоur homework, consulted HR specialists, read uр аll thе іnfоrmаtіоn уоu соuld find оn thе subject, tаkеn suggestions frоm аll аnd sundry уоu саn bе surе оf оnе thing - bad hires happen. Whіlе sоmе mау sау уоu mаkе thе best оf whаt уоu hаvе gоt, оthеrs mіght prefer repeating thе process wіth nеw people. Ноwеvеr іt takes а lot оf time, effort аnd money tо dо іt аgаіn аnd again.

If уоu аrе аn entrepreneur lооkіng аt expanding уоur business bу hiring аnd building а team hеrе іs whаt уоu shоuld knоw оn hоw tо build а team -

· Determine thе areas whеrе уоu nееd tо hire - Оnе оf thе fіrst things thаt уоu nееd tо dо іs tо fіrst identify аll thе areas whеrе уоu nееd help. Yоur nееd соuld bе wіth administrative tasks оr wіth marketing аnd sales оr sоmеоnе іn customer service. Νо point іn hiring wіthоut knowing уоur nееds fіrst.

· Match personalities, skills аnd qualifications - Оnсе уоu hаvе identified thе areas whеrе уоu nееd help, уоu nееd tо mаkе а list оf personalities, skills аnd qualifications thаt will suit thе job profile thе best. Ѕо fоr example іf уоu аrе lооkіng tо hire sоmеоnе tо tаkе оvеr customer service thеn thе kind оf person whо will suit thе job profile shоuld bе sоmеоnе wіth а pleasing personality, soft spoken, polite, а problem solver еtс.

· Avoid thе уоu chief, mе chief, еvеrуbоdу chief situation - Ве specific аbоut thе top brass; іf уоu hаvе tоо mаnу heads оf stаtе іts going tо lead tо lawlessness. Νоt tо mention ego tussles, high package demands аnd misuse оf power. Іf thеrе іs а demand fоr а position suсh аs thаt оf а VP оnlу thеn tаkе оn sоmеоnе. Еlsе thе business саn dо јust fine wіth уоu іn thе top position.

· Dоn't hire іn anticipation оr tоо muсh іn advance - Unlеss уоu аrе absolutely сеrtаіn thаt іn thе vеrу іmmеdіаtе future thе business іs going tо nееd extra hands аnd employees рut оff thе hiring process.

· Hire оn nееd аlоnе basis - Таkіng оff frоm thе аbоvе point, hire people оnlу tо thе tune оf whаt уоu nееd. Yоu сеrtаіnlу dоn't hаvе thе money tо waste аrоund, sо bе prudent аnd wise аbоut hоw muсh уоu hire. Веsіdеs, managing а smaller work force іs easier аnd bесаusе thеrе will аlwауs bе work, nо оnе will bе paid fоr idling аwау time.

· А go-getter аlwауs - Yоu аrе motivated bесаusе іt іs уоur business аnd іf уоu wаnt thе sаmе thеn уоur best option іs tо gо wіth thе go-getters. Hire people whо display problem solving abilities, people whо dоn't аlwауs gо bу thе book but knоw hоw tо gеt thе job dоnе. Knowing уоu approve іs compensation еnоugh fоr thеm.

· Professional аnd social skills - Whіlе уоu nееd people whо аrе professional аnd knоw hоw tо dо thеіr jobs well, social skills аrе јust аs іmроrtаnt. І mеаn іf уоu аrе going tо bе working tоgеthеr thеn уоu nееd people wіth whоm уоu share сеrtаіn chemistry оr а bonding оf sоmе kind. То motivate аnd lead people, shоuld fіrst accept уоu bеуоnd јust sоmеоnе whо pays thеіr salaries. Аnd fоr thаt tо happen уоu shоuld hire people whо share personal аnd professional goals alike.

· Build tribes - Ѕоmе people јust click, јust lіkе thаt. Аnd whеn thаt hарреns work improves аnd benefits tremendously. Іf уоu саn hire аnd tаkе suсh people іntо уоur team thеn working аnd moving tоgеthеr will bе а dream. А sense оf camaraderie аnd unity іs whаt уоu аnd уоur team shоuld aspire tо build.

· Ве јust аnd generous іn rewarding - Yоur employees work fоr уоu аnd whіlе thеу dо gеt paid а salary аt thе еnd оf thе month thеrе аrе times whеn уоu nееd tо recognize аnd appreciate thеіr contributions bеуоnd whаt уоu pay thеm. Fоr а job well dоnе а fеw good wоrds оf praise оr accolades dоеs wonders tо thе spirit аnd іt аlsо gоеs tо shоw thаt уоu аrе aware. Іf роssіblе work а lіttlе bonus оr а gift іntо уоur praise. Тhіs will kеер уоur staff motivated аnd wіllіng tо work hard аt аll times.

· Κnоw whеn tо gіvе аnd whеn tо hold bасk - А good employer іs оnе whо knоws whеn tо sympathize аnd share аnd whеn tо bе а taskmaster. Аnd уеs, уоu саn bе bоth. Тhе trick іs tо knоw whеn tо draw thе lіnе. Маkе surе уоur employees knоw уоu аrе thеrе fоr thеm but саnnоt аnd shоuld nоt tаkе уоu fоr granted.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Customer Care is more Than your Business.

Excellent customer service is more than what you say or do for your customers. It also means giving customers a chance to make their feelings known. Here are some suggestions for finding out what customers want--and what they think about customer service
Attend trade shows and industry events that are important to your customers. You'll find out what the competition is doing and what kinds of products and services customers are looking for.
Nurture a human bond, as well as a business one, with customers and prospects. Take them out to lunch, dinner, a ballgame or the opera. In a relaxed social atmosphere, you'll learn the secrets that will allow you to go above and beyond your competition.
Stay abreast of trends; then respond to them. Read industry trade publications, be active in trade organizations, and pay attention to what your customers are doing.
Ask for feedback. Survey your customers regularly to find out how you're doing. Send postage-paid questionnaire cards or letters, call them on the phone, or set up focus groups. Ask for suggestions and then fix the trouble areas revealed.
Whatever you do, don't rest on your laurels. Regularly evaluate your product or service to be sure it's still priced, packaged and delivered correctly.

When you're a start-up with few employees and few customers, it's easy to stay on top of what customers want and what they're getting. But as you add more customers and employees, you add links to the customer service chain. That creates the potential for growth--and the potential for poor service along the way. That's why creating a customer service policy and adhering to it is so important. Here are some steps you can take to ensure that your clients receive excellent service every step of the way.
Put your customer service policy in writing. These principles should come from you, but every employee should know what the rules are and be ready to live up to them. It doesn't have to be elaborate. Something as simple as "The customer is always right" can lay the necessary groundwork, although you may want to get more detailed by saying, for instance, "Any employee is empowered to grant a 10-percent discount to any dissatisfied customer at any time."
Establish support systems that give employees clear instructions for gaining and maintaining service superiority. These systems will help you out service any competitor by giving more to customers and anticipating problems before they arise.
Develop a measurement of superb customer service. Don't forget to reward employees who practice it consistently.
Be certain that your passion for customer service runs rampant throughout your company. Employees should see how good service relates to your profits and to their futures with the company. Be genuinely committed to providing more customer service excellence than anyone else in your industry. This commitment must be so powerful that every one of your customers can sense it.
Share information with people on the front lines. Meet with your employees regularly to talk about improving service. Solicit ideas from employees--they're the ones who are dealing with customers most often.
Act on the knowledge that what customer’s value most are attention, dependability, promptness and competence. They love being treated as individuals and being referred to by name.  Good customer service is made, not born. Most companies find that employees require training to provide good customer service. Some of the areas in which employees often get help from customer service training include:
Stress management. It's not easy to be the interface between an angry customer and a balky accounting department. Training on how to manage and relieve stress will help customer service representatives keep their cool under pressure.
Empathy. Often, good customer service consists of little more than putting yourself in the other person's shoes. However, this isn't always easy. Training employees on how to look at a problem from the customer's viewpoint goes a long way toward helping improve customer service.
Conflict resolution. Many times, customer service representatives spend their time resolving conflicts such as those between a customer's demands and a company's policies. Training on identifying issues, finding compromises and presenting alternatives can help.
Listening. Often, the only thing a customer wants is to feel understood. Learning how to listen effectively is not a widely held skill. However, it can be taught, and listening training is a common feature of many customer service courses.

The Entrepreneurial Aspect of Technology

Commercialization-The concept of entrepreneurship is extremely broad. I try to separate

several dimensions, or categorize it into three basic groups. The groups are small

business, family business, and technology commercialization. Small business management is

about a person starting or operating a business that is not intended to experience very

rapid growth, but rather to provide products or services on a small scale. These are

frequently also referred to as mom-and-pop operations. Certainly managing a mom-and-pop

business involves entrepreneurship – there’s no doubt about that; it’s an entrepreneurial

act. However, the kinds of problems that mom-and-pops face are very different from those of

family businesses, where the organization is trying to employ family members and balance

out (usually) a very large number of social and emotional issues. And both of those (small

businesses and family businesses) are quite a bit different from a situation in which an

entrepreneur is trying to take a raw technology and make a commercially viable new product

or service that nobody’s ever seen before. So I try to separate entrepreneurship into those

three broad categories and talk about them separately, because the issues involved are

quite different.

Technology commercialization. What I mean by that is taking fundamental, basic research

done at research universities and converting it into viable products and services. So what

I talk about to entrepreneurs is the process of taking what I think of as potential

solutions to problems (that being the research that’s done in universities), and the actual

problems themselves (problems that people face in their day-to-day lives, or problems that

need resolution in one form or another), and bringing those two together. Very often

problems exist, and solutions exist for those problems, but the people who have the

problems don’t know any of the people who have the solutions. I look at this in a broad way

as a knowledge management concern – bringing together people with problems and people with

solutions and trying to find matches between those two. To me, that’s the key to the

technology commercialization process, and it often leads to business start-ups. My primary

emphasis is on technology commercialization, that’s my starting point and that’s the

approach I take.

From there, I would usually discuss ways of sharing problems and solutions, and then about

the fundamental business planning that goes behind a technology commercialization. Once you

have a match between a problem and a solution, you would move more into the business

planning arena. The business planning process poses questions about what costs are

involved, and what resources are needed, and also considers the competition and markets and

those things external to the start-up.

The planning process is very important, and tends to get a lot of coverage in teaching.

However, at first blush, especially in technology commercialization projects, I try to get

people not to worry too much about how big the market is and how much things cost, and all

that. Those are problems to be resolved in the planning process, and you may well find out

when you put the meat on your plan that there really isn’t very much there, and the idea

isn’t really worth pursuing. But in this sort of open-ended problem and solution/resolution

discussion, you don’t want to think about that yet. Too many good ideas are never developed

because people don’t give them a chance, and don’t try hard enough to find solutions to the

problems that commercialization presents.

Assessing Risk

The risk orientation of entrepreneurs varies. People often think that entrepreneurs have a predilection for exposing themselves to great dangers and hazards. That is not the case. Very often, they don’t think they’re really taking any unreasonable risks at all. They just have a certain clarity of thinking, and they see things that others don’t. So the kinds of risks they are taking are calculated.
As an entrepreneur, you should always be asking, “Is there a way of doing this more safely?” It is important to recognize that no matter how much you work on your business plan, there will always be unexpected twists and turns. Part of determining what is a reasonable risk involves asking the “what if” questions. You work through what could go wrong and then ask, “What can I do if these things happen? At what point should I decide to reassess or change course?” Then you look at the kinds of things that you can do to prepare for different scenarios. You may feel that there are certain bets you must make in order to succeed. But understanding the critical assumptions that you are making about your environment and your capabilities and how potential hazards can be avoided or controlled – that thought process is a calculating process. It doesn’t mean you have all the answers, but you do have a very well thought-out vision.

Assessing Capabilities

Another basic ingredient of entrepreneurial success is a good understanding of the characteristics of successful individuals. You not only need cognitive skills that allow you to recognize worthwhile opportunities and take advantage of them, but also key personality traits of passion, commitment, and resilience. Do you have these characteristics? Do you know what it will take to be successful? You need to understand that the risks of new business failure are high; most start-ups do not succeed. You also need to be aware of your motivation – is your goal primarily financial wealth, or are you primarily interested in the personal fulfillment that you will achieve through your entrepreneurial journey?

Knowing the basics of financial and market planning and how to write a good business plan are important. You should consider getting help from people who have proven skills in these areas. You will need to be good at pitching your business plan in order to get funding support, so you need to develop those kinds of skills. If your business involves a new type of product, then you have to have a proof of concept. As soon as possible, you need to demonstrate some credibility in terms of what you have to offer – for example, securing an important customer or set of customers that will demonstrate that you have something valuable. That will allow you to get further financing to continue growing the business.

Finally, a key part of the company’s success will be based on the people factor, on leadership and team building. You need to recognize that a good grasp of organizational behavior issues and methods is at least as important as – if not more important than – a good grasp of financial and marketing issues and tools.

Ноw То Recognize Opportunity

As children wе sаw opportunity аrоund еvеrу corner. Wаs thаt true fоr уоu? І knоw thаt іt wаs fоr mе. Lіkе thе time whеn І wаs еіght years оld аnd discovered а weight loss program thаt wаs typed оut оn а small piece оf paper іn mу parents dresser. Іt read, "Lose Ten Pounds Іn Ten Days".

It dіd nоt tаkе mе but twо days bеfоrе І hаd рlасеd а classified ad аskіng fоr $1 tо learn thе secret recipe tо losing weight. Аnd guess whаt, people sеnt mе money!

What happened tо us? Whеrе dіd аll оf thаt creativity соmе frоm аnd whеrе іs іt now?

Creativity lives аt thе core оf еvеrу person оn thіs planet; І guess уоu соuld sау thаt іt іs а раrt оf оur vеrу nature. Іt іs hоw wе thіnk аnd behave, аnd nо matter hоw fаr оff thіs road оf creative ability wе hаvе seemingly driven, wе hаvе tо bеlіеvе thаt еасh оf us stіll hаs thаt magic wіthіn us.

I bеlіеvе thаt creativity іs thе natural outflow оf оur creator. Тhіnk аbоut іt, thе creator hіmsеlf, thе master creator аnd designer оf аll thаt wе sее аrоund us created уоu! Аnd іn dоіng sо, hе рlасеd thе essence оf hіs оwn nature аnd creative ability wіthіn уоu. Frоm thе smallest molecule tо thе ice flake оn thе windshield оf уоur car creativity саn bе sееn. Аll оf creation аrоund us speaks оf forethought, exactness аnd detail.

Creating sоmеthіng оut оf nоthіng іs а раrt оf whо wе аrе, іt іs thе great governing factor іn аll оf оur lives.

Ideas Тhаt Create Cash Оn Demand

The fіrst time І met Joe Sabah, іt wаs аt а seminar thаt hе wаs teaching. Не told оf аn іnvеntіоn hе hаd created аs а young child. Не remembers thе times thаt hе sat іn class аnd watched аs kids wеnt tо thе teacher's desk tо sharpen thеіr pencils. Тhеу wоuld insert thе pencil іn оnе еnd аnd аs thеу dіd, thеу wоuld grab thе handle wіth thе оthеr аnd start grinding аwау. Joe thought tо hіmsеlf, wоuldn't іt bе wonderful іf sоmеоnе соuld attach sоmе kind оf motor apparatus tо thаt sharpener thаt wоuld mаkе іt sо thаt thе pencils соuld bе sharpened automatically. Не wеnt оn tо draw uр plans іn exact detail thаt wоuld mаkе thе fіrst electric pencil іn thе history оf mankind роssіblе. Wow, hе thought tо hіmsеlf, whаt аn idea!

Do уоu knоw whаt happened nехt? Тhе bell rang, Joe tооk thе paper thаt hе hаd worked sо hard оn, tore іt uр аnd threw іt іn thе trash саn аnd wеnt tо recess. Ideas, wе аll hаvе thеm, but whаt dо wе dо wіth thеm? Well, thе fact іs thаt thе majority оf оur ideas јust sit thеrе. Fоr аll intents аnd purposes wе dо whаt Joe dіd thаt day іn class, wе wade thеm uр аnd throw thеm away.

A great example оf thіs wаs mу wife's uncle, Denny Proctor. Denny worked fоr а construction company. Ніs job wаs tо gо frоm construction site tо construction site аnd treat freshly cured concrete foundations wіth а special waterproofing sealant. Не wоuld stand day аftеr day spraying concrete solution wіth а special high powered wand. Оnе day hе hаd аn idea thаt wоuld change hіs life forever!

What іf sоmеоnе created а high pressure wand thаt everyday people соuld attach tо thеіr garden hose аnd usе tо clean thеіr car wіth? Іn fact thеу соuld usе іt tо clean thе exterior оf thеіr house, lawn mower оr аnуthіng еlsе thеу needed tо washed. Аlоng wіth hіs brother thеу created а special power washer аnd thеу called іt, Jet-X Sprayer! Yоu mіght remember sееіng оnе оf thе mаnу commercials thаt wеrе run bасk іn thе 1970's selling Jet-X. То sау thе lеаst millions оf dollars оf products wеrе sold аs а result.

Ideas аrе а dime а dozen... thе person whо puts thеm іntо practice іs PRICELESS!

Sunday, April 27, 2014


A4 Size Paper from Jambo Rolls
Paper is one of the most important and widely used consumer materials with an endless ability to be transformed. It is writing paper, paper used for printing. Paper is often characterized by weight. In the United States, the weight assigned to a paper is the weight of a ream, 500 sheets, of varying "basic sizes", before the paper is cut into the size it is sold to end customers. Paper can be classified as: Printing papers, Wrapping papers, Writing paper, Blotting papers, Drawing papers, Handmade papers.The largest standard size paper is A0 (A zero), measuring one square meter (approx. 1189x841 mm). Two sheets of A1, placed upright side by side fit exactly into one sheet of A0 laid on its side. Similarly, two sheets of A2 fit into one sheet of A1 and so forth. Common sizes used in the office and the home are A4 and A3.Due to high demand of A4 Size Paper everywhere around Schools, Offices, Colleges, the entrepreneur enter in to this field will be successful.
                Maize Processing Unit
(Starch, Glucose, Germs, Fibres, Gluten & Steep Water)
The maize also called "Corn or Indian Corn" is widely cultivated in India; Maize ranks high among the four or five principal cereal crops of the world. Maize is utilized in more diversified ways than any other cereal. The grain is quite nutritious, with a high percentage of easily digested carbohydrates, fats and proteins and hardly and deleterious substances. In many underdeveloped or developing countries, including India, maize is an important food crop. Besides food, maize and maize products have numerous industrial uses such as in adhesives, explosives and soaps, and for textile sizing, etc. Maize starch is employed in the manufacture of asbestos, ceramics, dyes, plastics, oil cloth, linoleum, paper, and paper boards, and in textiles, mining, deep oil drilling, and cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.The average yield in India is 1.68 MT/ha. About 4 million MT is used as animal feed, about 5 million MT is dry milled and 2 million MT is wet milled. Maize is cultivated in almost all states in the country. The crop is grown both in Kharif and Rabi seasons in India with a share of 85 per cent and 15 per cent, respectively.
Copper Sulphate from Metallic Scrap Copper
Copper is one of the most widespread materials used in the production of electronic equipment and found in multiple appliances as, e.g. circuit boards. Copper recycling has lately become more important due to the depletion of the earth copper resources and thus the increased price for raw material. The development of recycling processes is an important issue to effectively utilize the copper resources, minimize the adverse effects of hazardous materials and protect our environment. The processes used for copper recycling depend on the copper content in the raw material, its size distribution, and other constituents.Today, annual consumption of copper is more than nine times as large. The annual usage of copper throughout the world has doubled since the 1970’s to reach almost 20 million tons in 2005, of which 70% was produced by mining and 30% by recycling.
Glass Bottles using Broken Glass
(Recycling of Glass)
Glass is an amorphous (non-crystalline) solid material that exhibits a glass transition, which is the reversible transition in amorphous materials (or in amorphous regions within semi crystalline materials) from a hard and relatively brittle state into a molten or rubber-like state. Glasses are typically brittle and can be optically transparent. Millions of glass bottles are created worldwide every day. It is a highly mechanized process, and bottles in use today are no longer hand blown as they were in the past. A glass bottle is 100% recyclable with many new bottles containing glass which was created over 20 years ago. Less energy is used in recycling a glass bottle than creating the glass from raw materials, helping the environment.Worldwide, the alcohol industry is the largest user of glass packaging, which accounts for as much as 76% of all packaging of global spirits. According to Euro monitor nearly 200 billion units of glass sold in alcoholic drinks in 2012. The Indian Economy has been enjoying sustained growth for more than a decade, averaging of over 7% since 1997. Even during the 2008 global meltdown, the country had shown remarkable resilience.
Pesticides/Insecticides (Technical Grade)
Pesticides are substances meant for attracting, seducing, destroying or mitigating any pest. They are a class of biocide. The most common use of pesticides is as plant protection products, which in general protect plants from damaging influences such as weeds, diseases or insects. Pesticides can be classified by target organism, chemical structure and physical state. Biopesticides include microbial pesticides and biochemical pesticides. Plant-derived pesticides, or "botanicals", have been developing quickly. These include the pyrethroids, rotenoids, nicotinoids, and a fourth group that includes strychnine and scilliroside. The global market for crop protection chemicals, in terms of active ingredient volume was estimated at 2,075.5 KT in 2011 and is expected to reach 3,136.1 KT by 2018, growing at a CAGR of 3.2% from 2013 to 2018. India produces 90,000 metric tons of pesticides a year. India’s pesticide industry is the largest in Asia and the twelth largest in the world. With over 400 million acres under cultivation and over 60% of the country’s population dependent on agriculture, the country’s economy depends on the agricultural sector to a substantial extent.
Corn Flakes
Corn flakes being one of most nutritious foods and is consumed as breakfast food not only in India but-elsewhere in the world.Basically, it is prepared from maize; this is the main raw material. Flavours, like sugar or salt are also added. Maize, the main raw material, is itself a corn grain. Corn flakes have very good taste. Though several other breakfast cereals are also available in the market but they are still to gain popularity. Besides the good taste, crispy nature, corn flakes are also popular because of their friable texture, blend flavour and above all the ease with which it can be prepared for consumption. Corn Flakes can be manufactured either of the two white or yellow corns. The only difference is that flake formed using yellow corn is more dark in colour. From raw corn flakes (before roasting) corn syrup can be prepared. It is prepared by removing starch from maize by soaking and treating with chemicals. It is also being used by liquor industry for manufacture of beer etc.It all began with Kellogg's entry in India with its cornflakes. It was marketed by the establishment of a 100% subsidiary as Kellogg's India, being the parent company's 30th manufacturing facility, at a total investment of USD 30 mn at Taloja, near Mumbai (Maharashtra). India is considered as one of the largest market for breakfast cereals worldwide. The company was aiming at a business volume of Rs 2 bn in three years' time.When Kellogg's  entered India, the per capita consumption of breakfast cereals was a low 2 gm per family per annum which increased to 4.5 gm against 5 kg per annum globally.
Caramel Colour
Caramel is a well-known Pure and simple, brown means flavor and staple commercial material. It is an amorphous, dark-brown material that has been produced by the carefully controlled heat treatment of saccharine materials such as dextrose, invert sugar, lactose, malt syrup, molasses, sucrose, starch hydrolysates and fractions thereof, etc. The heavy-bodied, almost black syrup contains colour, components that impart the amber shade found in carbonated beverages, pharmaceutical and flavoring extracts, candies, soups, bakery products, and numerous other foods. Caramelization, the act of breaking up the natural sugar molecules in food to create a different flavor compound, makes everything taste better. Caramelization is one of the most important types of browning processes in foods. It is the interaction between sugar and sugar.The global food colours market was worth an estimated $1.45 billion in 2009, relays an August 2010 market report, "The Global Market for Food Colours," by Leatherhead Food Research. World usage of food colours is currently about 40,000-50,000 tons. From 2005-2009, the global market for natural colours increased almost 35% in value, with much future growth expected to come from natural colours and colouring foodstuffs. Foods account for some 67% of the food colouring global market, followed by soft drinks (28%) and alcoholic beverages (5%).
Instant Tea
Instant tea is a form of tea that is derived from brewed tea. Its dried granulated form can be made into a beverage with the addition of cold or hot water. Instant tea is typically lower in antioxidants than traditional tea and comes in a variety of flavors. Instant tea may be formulated for use in making either hot or iced tea. It quickly dissolves in water.The basic process for manufacture of instant tea as a soluble powder from dry tea leaf includes extraction, concentration and drying.Instant tea comes in many flavors. Popular instant tea flavors include lemon, cinnamon, fruit juice and other flavorings. Green, black, chai, white and herbal teas are all available in instant form. There are four main types of tea which are, white, green, oolong, and black, all which are born from the same species of plant. India is both the world’s largest producer of tea and the world’s thirstiest consumer. Although India produces almost 30% of the world’s tea it exports less than 20% of the world’s supply. The industry has also been a major foreign exchange earner besides providing billions of hot cups of invigorating drink to the people of India.
Toffee, Candy & Milk Chocolate
Chocolate is a key ingredient in many foods such as milk shakes, candy bars, cookies and cereals.Chocolate, candy and gum are some of people’s best-loved treats. These sweets have been enjoyed around the world for thousands of years. Early man developed a taste for sweets by digging honey from beehives. The confectionery category includes products such as chocolate, gum, sugar confectionery, gummies/jellies, hard candy, toffee and fudge. The main reasons for purchasing are convenience, passive health, age, choice and pleasure.The toffee and candy are used after meal, dinners as smooth refresher. It drives away bad smell from mouth and refreshes the breath. Sometimes it causes good sensation while chewing. The chocolates market is estimated at around 33,000 tonnes valued at approximately Rs 8.0 bn. The counter market is estimated at about nearly Rs 2.5 to 3.5 bn and the rest is made up of chocolate bars. The demand for chocolates in India has been on the upswing in keeping with the economic boom leading to a rise in consumer spending. While the big players like Cadbury and Nestle are marching ahead, smaller, local and neighborhood chocolate makers are expanding their reach and going national. Among these, Sweet World, Candico and Chocolatiers have taken full advantage of the increasing number of malls and multiplexes to advance their products.
Plastic Granules from Plastic Waste
Plastic is a very common material that is now widely used by everybody in this world. Plastic is used in many ways as it is light weight and compact. Plastic can be recycled and new products can be formed from waste plastic. Though all types of plastic cannot be recycled a considerable portion can be recycled so that the environment is protected. Plastic recycling involves the process of recovering scrap plastics and these waste plastics are then reprocessed to form new materials that may be different from their original state.Plastics are divided into two distinct groups: thermoplastics and thermosets. The majority of plastics are thermoplastic, meaning that once the plastic is formed it can be heated and reformed repeatedly. The other group, the thermosets, cannot be remelted. Once these plastics are formed, reheating will cause the material to decompose rather than melt. In order to be reprocessed, plastics waste has to be ground to a particle size close to that of virgin resin. The size reduction in most cases is accomplished with the use of a granulator. The per capita consumption of polymers in India is around 5.5 kg. The average per capita consumption of polymers is estimated 90 kg for the US and 22 kg for China. While the global average consumption is estimated at 17 kg per person. The demand estimates for all polymers including engineering polymers was envisaged to increase from 7.5 mn tonne in 2006-07 and to 9.5 mn tonne in 2009-10. It was projected at close to 14 mn tonnes in 2014-15. India is one of the fastest growing polymer market in the world, and is expected to become the world's third largest polymers market, with a consumption of 12.5 mn tonne, after the US and China, by 2010.
Refining of Crude Soyabean and Palm Oil
Soybean oil is very popular with rich value of Omega 3 and Omega 6. Those fatty acids regulate lipid and cholesterol metabolism and prevent narrowing in artery veins. In addition its high content of vitamin B makes digestion easier and by this feature it prevents chronicle digestion problem and constipation. Soybean seed contains about 19% oil. To extract soybean oil from seed, the soybeans are cracked, adjusted for moisture content, rolled into flakes and solvent-extracted with commercial hexane. The oil is then refined, blended for different applications, and sometimes hydrogenated.Palm oil is an edible vegetable oil derived from the mesocarp (reddish pulp) of the fruit of the oil palms, primarily the African oil palm Elaeisguineensis, and to a lesser extent from the American oil palm Elaeisoleifera and the maripa palm Attaleamaripa. Palm oils consist mainly of glycerides and, like other oils in their crude form may consist of small and variable portions of non-glyceride components as well.

Sunday, February 23, 2014


The target market is composed of the persons or organizations that'll participate in buying and selling transactions involving your product/service. This target market is found in a well defined geographical zone, e.g. the stationeries market. Target markets are not always uniform in terms of the customers' requirements. Any business starts with idea, the idea will grow until yield product which will reveal your mind to other people. Just because you have a great idea doesn’t mean your startup will succeed, and there’s a simple reason for this: concepts don’t make companies. Startups depend on everything from the capabilities of their founders to the depth of their pockets.
The following are an ideas to start:

Onion Powder

Onion powder is made by dehydrating onions and grinding them down to a fine powder. It is a common seasoning and a component of spice mix. Onion powder replaces the taste of onions when used in recipes. The powder can be combined with other herbs and spices to create rubs, spice mixes, drinks and dressings. Applications include pasta, pizza, and grilled chicken.

Yeast from Molasses

Yeasts are unicellular, eukaryotic and polyphyletic organisms classified in the kingdom fungi. Fermentation of sugars by yeast is the oldest application in the making of bread, beer and wine. Apart from the production of bread and beverages, ethanol production is vital for different applications. Yeasts are also involved in single cell protein production.

Cashew Nut Kernels and Shell Liquid

Cashew tree bears numerous, edible, pear shaped false fruits or “accessory fruits'” called "cashew apples. Botanically, this “true fruit” is a drupe, featuring hard outer shell enclosing a single edible seed or the “cashew nut.” India is the largest producer, consumer and exporter of cashew nut. It ranks 2nd among horticultural commodities contributing 1.5 per cent of the total export earning of the country.

Packaged Drinking Water

As the name implies, the mineral water is the purified water fortified with requisite amounts of minerals. It is either obtained from natural resources like spring and drilled wells or it is fortified artificially by blending and treating with mineral salts. Bottled water is the most dynamic market of all the food and beverage industry. Its major use is in five star Hotels and Hospitals where good quality pure water is required for potable purposes. It is marketed at places and regions where hygienic drinking water is not freely available. The foreigners consumed it in large quantity for drinking purpose.

Bread Plant

Bread is most consumable wheat-based bakery product. It contains high nutritive value. They are easy to digest and compact in size, therefore, its consumption is increasing day by day. Indian bakery industry is spreaded over all small scale;large scale and house hold sectors. At present there are 21 units in organizedsector and many more in small scale, cottage and house hold sectors. The manufacturing process and techniques are so simple that they can easily be adopted for production at any level.

Shoe Polish In Aerosol Filling
Shoe polish (or boot polish), is a waxy paste, cream, or liquid used to polish, shine, and waterproof leather shoes or boots to extend the footwear's life, and restore, maintain and improve their appearance. Aerosol-type polishes have been extensively used for polishing shoes, automobiles, household care, etc. Applications of Aerosol shoe polish includes: used to give instant shine any smooth leather; provide maximum protection for suede and nubuck shoes from stain and water damage; allows for quick cleaning of these materials; keeps leather soft, supple, water and stain resistant; helps prolong the life of footwear etc.

Particle Board from Rice Husk

Agricultural waste or residue is made up of organic compounds from organic sources such as rice straw, oil palm empty fruit bunch, sugar cane bagasse, coconut shell, and others. Rice husk from paddy (Oryza sativa) is one example of alternative material that can be potentially used for making particle board. Rice husks are processed into rectangular shaped particle boards. This new industry initially was started primarily with a view to utilize wood waste.

Banana Products (Banana Powder, Banana Puree and Banana Concentrate)

          Banana is the largest produced and maximum consumed amongst the fruits cultivated in the world. India ranks first amongst the banana cultivating countries of the world. Banana when ripened is a soft and delicate fruit with a post-harvest shelf life of 5- 10 days. This makes it prone to injury during transport. Banana being a ‘common man’s fruit’ is consumed in following forms: Banana Powder, Banana Puree, Banana Juice concentrate etc. Banana powder, because of its high concentration of banana essence, has been found to be a major source of carbohydrate and calories, found to be useful as a general treatment for dyspepsia, contains compounds with demonstrable anti-MRSA activity, anti-HIV replicative activity, and following metabolic transformation by fungi, anti-leishmanicidal activity.

Textile Mill and Readymade Garments

The words fabric and cloth are used in textile assembly trades (such as tailoring and dressmaking) as synonyms for textile. The most common use of textile is for clothing and containers such as bags and baskets. They are used in carpeting, upholstered furnishings, window shades, towels, covering for tables, beds, and other flat surfaces, and in art, used in industrial and scientific processes such as filtering.

Cattle Feed

The principal feed resources for animal consumption in the country are crop residues like straws of wheat, rice and other cereals and stovers, which are very poor in feed value. Even these are in short supply. Such a situation is bound to aggravate difficulties in the feeding of better producing livestock such as cross breed for early growth, better reproduction and higher milk production. Livestock in the country, therefore, suffer widely from insufficient supply of nutrients. The unconventional agro-industrial by products and forest wastes may find a greater use as livestock feeds in coming years.

Particle Board from Bagasse

Bagasse is the waste of sugar industry. It can be used for the production of bagasse base board or solid fuels or for the production of power or for the production of Alcohol. Now we are intending to produce bagasse base board. There is gradually demand increase in wood base products. There are few manufacturers who makes board by partial use of fine particles of bagasse. This can be very safely handled and transport from one place to another place. It can be used for making different variety of furniture like, chair, table, bed etc. It can be used for making panel board, windows, doors etc.  It can be used for making partition in the room. It is used in Construction companies, school, colleges, paints, and for domestic uses.Few organized and many private organizations are engaged in the manufacturing of ply board or wood board or bagasse base board.

Sanitary Napkins

Sanitary napkins known as sanitary pads are important part of the gynecological hygiene for every woman. A woman will use an average of 10000 pieces of sanitary napkins within 30 to 40 years in her entire lifetime. Having a trusted brand of sanitary napkins has become paramount for every modern woman. Today, the global market for absorbent hygiene products is over US$ 50 bn (including wipes). In 2008, there were 96 million women in urban India and, at that time, it was projected that that number would increase by 17% to 1.2 billion women in 2013. With this predicted population growth, the sanitary napkin market could potentially be valued at as much as USD$365m in 2013, up from US$166.

Pickles (Various Types)

Pickle is a general term used for fruits or vegetables preserved in vinegar or brine, usually with spices or sugar or both. In India, the pickles are being manufactured by a number of units. There is not now-a-days much competition for these products in the market. The consumption is increasing every year. The demand of Indian pickles in foreign countries is quite high. Thus the exporters are getting high orders for good quality of products. Today a large number of branded products are in the market. There is big competition in the market, even though there is good market scope in domestic as well as in overseas markets.

Castor Oil (Extraction and Refining)

India is one of the best producers of castor seed. Castor seed oil content, it may vary from 35-40%. Production of castor oil by extraction process is economic one. There is very good market demand of castor oil in the indigenous market. There is also very good export market of the product. India is the fourth largest edible oil economy in the world valued at USD 16.5 bn (Rs 660 bn).

Disposable Plastic Syringes

It is an instrument which is used for injecting any liquid into the body of human beings or of animals. The Indian healthcare sector, including pharmaceutical, diagnostics and hospital services, is expected to more than double its revenues to Rs 2500 bn by 2014. The Indian domestic Medicare devices industry is expected to grow from Rs 60 bn to Rs 76.5 bn in four years.

Diabetic Food

Diabetic diet refers to the diet that is recommended for sufferers of diabetes mellitus. In 2010, an estimated 285 million people were living with diabetes. The number of people with diabetes in developing nations is expected to rise 69% by the year 2030 – outpacing even the ‘pessimistic scenario’ forecasts of earlier global disease models. The market opportunities for bulk, intermediate, and consumer diabetic foods are significant. The overall size of the diabetic packaged food market reached US$ 282.9. Packaged foods that are labeled as "suitable for diabetics,"

Poultry and Broiler Farming

Indian poultry sector has been growing at around 8-10% annually over the last decade with broiler meat volumes growing at more than 10% while table egg at 5-6% driven by increased domestic consumption. Domestic poultry meat production (broiler - carcass weight) is estimated to have increased from less than 1.0 million tons in 2000 to 3.4 million tons in 2012 with per capita consumption increasing from 0.8 kg to 2.8 kg p.a during same period. Table egg production is estimated to have increased from 30 billion eggs in 2000 to 66 billion eggs in 2012 with per capita egg consumption increasing from 28 to 55 eggs during that period.

Activated Carbon From Coconut Shell, Rice Husk and Saw Dust

          The Activated Carbon industry consists of more than 60 units spread countrywide, most of which are in the unorganized small-scale industrial sector. Due to its increasing demand worldwide, more and more units have expanded operations to cater mainly to the international market. The global activated carbon industry is estimated to be around 1.1 million metric ton. Demand for virgin activated carbon is expected to rise by around 10% annually through 2014, worldwide. The U.S is the largest market, which will also pace global growth based on anticipated new federal regulations mandating mercury removal at coal-fired power plants. The global activated carbon market was worth $1.8 billion in 2011 and is estimated to reach $3 billion by 2016, growing at a CAGR of 11.1% from 2011 to 2016.

Fruit Juices

(Pineapple, Banana, Orange & Guava)

Juice is a liquid that is naturally contained in fruit and vegetables. The fruit juice industry has made good progress in India. According to trade sources, the total market for fruit drinks & nectars has reportedly shown a growth rate of 10 -15% per annum in the past. The Indian market for fruit juices has reported an annual growth of 25-30%. The new sector which has potential to be explored is combination of various products like fruit and milk combination, fruit-yogurt drinks that are more natural & nutritious drinks. At international scenario, France has registered an annual growth of 20% during in past few years. Per capita consumption of fruit juice in USA is 46 L, Germany 39 L, Holland 24 L, UK19 L, Spain15 L, Japan15 L, France 12 L & Italy 8 L. These figures indicate potentiality of exporting fruit juice concentrates to European markets. Brazil is the world leader in export of citrus juice concentrates and nectars. This sector has ever-growing and never ending demand in domestic as well as foreign market. Entrepreneurs interested can well venture in this sector.

Glass Cleaner, Floor Cleaner and Toilet Cleaner

Cleaners are substances that are typically used to eliminate stains, smells, dirt, dust, and general clutter on a variety of surfaces

Buy Machine  for wire Nails Making

Nails are mostly used due to its uses. Carpenters use to fix furniture etc